
AONA represents registered nurses who have at least 2 years experience in Orthopaedic Nursing since graduation and/or hold the Orthopaedic Nursing Certificate. The members can be clinicians, educators or managers.

The aim of AONA is to provide a network for communication and education for Orthopaedic Nurses across Australia. We have members across the following states: NSW, Qld, SA, WA and Victoria.

The purpose of the AONA shall be the development and advancement of Orthopaedic Nursing by: promoting the recognition of Orthopaedic Nursing as a professional specialty; encouraging the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, skills and issues in the field of Orthopaedic Nursing; providing a forum of continuing education by means of written date, lectures and seminars; encouraging the highest standards of patient care in the realm of Orthopaedic care; encouraging and providing an avenue for personal and professional communication between Orthopaedic nurses throughout Australia; encouraging clinical nursing research in the realm of Orthopaedic care; promoting the inter-relationships between other branches of the profession, through professional associations at regional, state, national, and international levels; providing a united and authoritative voice for the nursing profession on all matters pertaining to the clinical speciality of Orthaepedic nursing; working towards collaborative practice with medical paramedical groups of the orthopaedic health care team; maintenance of a high political profile for the specialty of Orthopaedic Nursing.

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